Shield Widening
By tetsujin on 2005-07-13 in Models
Tags: 1:100 Zaku
With the outer surfaces of the shield more or less finished, I turned my attention to the inner surfaces. To give the back surface a good work surface I cut out some 25mm wide styrene rectangles to fit inside the back of the shield. I added some .5mm strips to the inside of the shield so these new plates would sit level with the edge of the kit part. Then I drew up a design (pretty much just a widened version of the MG shield detail) for the shield detail on 1mm graph paper, cut it out, and attached it to styrene rectangles I’d cut out, then cut through the areas that needed to be removed, gradually removing material and then filing it down to a uniform edge. The result is still a bit sloppier than I’d like – I think in the future when I start filing I’d better be more careful, and take more measurements as I’m working. So far I’ve got the part for the top section of the shield cut out and installed – next I need to cut out the detail for the main part of the shield.
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