New Canopy (day 39)
By tetsujin on 2022-03-23 in Models
Tags: 1:100 Zaku Kai, 100 Day Challenge, chest construction, scratchbuilding
Last time while working on the chest block and head I actually lost the cockpit canopy part. I figure the original part will turn up sooner or later but it’s a simple enough part that I decided to just build another one. This could be considered a waste of effort but it may be an opportunity to make some improvements as well.
Because the old canopy part was built from the grid-printed styrene plate, it’s easy to get dimensions by looking at photos. I started with another piece of styrene plate and mostly cut it to match the original part. I did make a few changes: I made the top end of the part slightly wider as the old one didn’t quite fit. I also made the bottom end a bit longer. I may trim it down again to something similar to the original length, I haven’t decided yet.
The loss of this part threw a wrench in my efforts to move forward with refining the cockpit hatch and the surrounding area. With this replacement, that work should now be able to move forward again.
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