Zaku progress, and lack thereof
By tetsujin on 2009-03-13 in Models
Tags: 1:100 Old Zaku, 旧キット
Things have been progressing with the Zaku – most of the final colors are on at this point – most of what’s left is decals, detail paint, finishing coats and weathering. I have some decals on already, as well, so I’m rockin’ the “Real Type” style”.
Now, unfortunately I had a bit of a setback around the end of last month and lost about a week’s worth of project time as a result. See, I was cleaning the basement…
But unfortunately the way I went about it was to shuffle all the stuff in the basement into other areas of the basement…
The reason for this was that our old water heater had started leaking – water was seeping around under the carpet forming damp spots. Fortunately I turned the water off and dehumidified the ever-loving crap out of the basement, and I apparently made it out of this with no mildew.
I’d had to move everything out of certain areas of the basement so the plumber could get the old unit out and the new one in. After the job was done it took me a little time to get the basement usable again – it’s still not quite back to the state it was in before…
Could have been a lot worse, of course, but it was enough to seriously foul up any shot I had at finishing the model by the end of the month. Fortunately, the MMC deadline was extended (looks like I’ll probably be the only one to take advantage of this, though… I swear, deadline extensions never work. I should know by now!) so I still have a shot at getting in the contest.
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